Personality List

    Ritsuko Enshu, The Receptionist Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Ritsuko Enshu, The Receptionist? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Ritsuko Enshu, The Receptionist from Ai The Somnium Files and what is the personality traits.

    Ritsuko Enshu, The Receptionist

    ESFP (2w3)

    Ritsuko Enshu, The Receptionist personality type is ESFP, and she always has a smile on her face and a little something for everyone. She is always the first to cheer up and the last to leave a party. She's known as the "funny one" by her friends and coworkers, but she's also very serious about her job and does what she does out of a genuine concern for those around her.

    She loves to make everyone happy, and as long as she can keep her job, she'll keep smiling. She's got a great sense of humor, and she has a soft spot for those who are down on their luck or who need a little help.

    Ritsuko is a lot like her friend Misato, but she is a little more energetic and bubbly. She's much more outgoing and much more optimistic than Misato. She's also a quick thinker and has a knack for helping people.

    Juri Takamura, The Ingenue personality type is ESFP, and she is always smiling and joking around. She is always the life of the party, and she never gets tired of being happy. It's not that she's particularly flighty about life, just that she really likes to have fun.

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