Personality List

    Kunudon Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Kunudon? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Kunudon from Ansatsu Kyoushitsu and what is the personality traits.


    ESFJ (1w2)

    Kunudon personality type is ESFJ, which makes him a natural leader. He’s always been a good listener and a great listener. He’s a great listener because he’s a great listener. He’s not a talker. When he does talk, he talks a lot. He’s a good listener because he listens a lot. He’s a good listener because he doesn’t talk a lot. He’s a good listener because he doesn’t talk a lot. He’s a good listener because he listens a lot. He’s a good listener because… You get the idea.

    Kunudon’s shell is made of the following:

    The most common ENFJ personality type is the Emperor, so Kunudon is most likely an ENFJ.

    Kunudon has an adult brother and an adult sister.

    Kunudon is in a relationship with the Hero and the Rogue.

    Kunudon has two kids.

    Kunudon is engaged to the Noble and is set to marry the Sage in the future.

    Kunudon has no pets.

    Kunudon (くぬどん) is the school mascot of Kunugigaoka Junior High School. His appearance replaces Shindo in some narration for School Event such as Autumn School Festival. As of now, he has been transferred over to E-Class, but is more than likely never to be seen again.

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