Personality List

    Jibril Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Jibril? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Jibril from No Game No Life and what is the personality traits.


    ENTP (5w4)

    Jibril personality type is ENTP, with an average of 65 or less points, which is my own personal type. This is an ideal type that is quite rare, but my own score is just over 65.

    Jibril also has excellent IQ scores, which are well above average for his age. Jibril's verbal IQ is at the high average level of 119. He also has extremely good memory skills, with IQ scores at the very high average level of 160.

    Jibril's memory is what made me realize that he was an ENTP. He remembers things that most people wouldn't know. For example, he remembers all of his daily routines by heart, even the exact order in which he does things. He remembers even the smallest details, like the exact room number where he would be attending a party.

    Jibril's other cognitive functions are equally as good as those of his memory. His attention and concentration skills are also very high, as well as his reasoning and problem solving abilities. Jibril has excellent visual perception which results in excellent visual-spatial skills as well as very good visual acuity.

    Jibril's other cognitive functions are equally as good as those of his memory.

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