Personality List

    EXID - Whoz That Girl Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of EXID - Whoz That Girl? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for EXID - Whoz That Girl from 2010s Music and what is the personality traits.

    EXID - Whoz That Girl

    ENFP (1w2)

    EXID - Whoz That Girl personality type is ENFP, the Empath. The ENFP enjoys the company of others and is highly sensitive to other people's emotions.

    ENFPs are enthusiastic and outgoing, and enjoy the company of other people. They are often regarded as unruly, restless, and undisciplined, but they can be deeply caring and loyal friends and lovers.

    ENFPs appreciate the way people work together. They are very tuned in to the social dynamics of groups, are good at team building, are good at thinking on their feet, have a strong sense of social justice, are highly creative, are excellent at communicating with people, are good at negotiating, are good at thinking quickly on their feet, are good at being flexible, are good at being positive even when things are not going well.

    ENFPs have a hard time staying focused on any task for more than a few minutes. They need to keep moving on to find new things to do. ENFPs have a hard time resisting temptation, they are always bored. They are very good at keeping themselves occupied with all sorts of things, especially if they are interesting or enjoyable. ENFPs are also very good at coming up with creative ways to solve problems.

    Whoz That Girl is the debut song and title track in EXID's first single album Holla. It was released on Feb 16, 2012 with it's music video.

    The song talks about a guy who left them for another girl. The presence of a menacing yet gentle woman is adequately conveyed by the song.

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