Personality List

    Pharrell Williams - Happy Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Pharrell Williams - Happy? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Pharrell Williams - Happy from 2010s Music and what is the personality traits.

    Pharrell Williams - Happy

    ENFP (7w6)

    Pharrell Williams - Happy personality type is ESFP, and the Myers-Briggs personality type is ISFP.

    Gustav Klimt - ESFP- the emotional and active - type,

    Norman Rockwell - ESFP- the emotional and active type,

    Ludwig Van Beethoven- ESFP- the emotional and active type,

    Hans Christian Andersen- ESFP- the emotional and active type,

    John Lennon- ESFP- the emotional and active type,

    Leonardo DiCaprio- ESFP- the emotional and active type,

    Marilyn Monroe- ESFP- the emotional and active type,

    Moses- ESFP- the emotional and active type,

    Abraham Lincoln- ESFP- the emotional and active type,

    Lady Gaga- ESFP- the emotional and active type,

    Marilyn Monroe ESFP- the emotional and active type,

    Freddie Mercury- ESFP- the emotional and active type,

    Vladimir Lenin- ESFP- the emotional and active type,

    Jack Nicholson- ESFP- the emotional and active type,

    David Bowie - ESFP- the emotional and active type,

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