What is the personality type of An Cafe - Snow Scene? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for An Cafe - Snow Scene from 2000s Music and what is the personality traits.
An Cafe - Snow Scene personality type is INFP, which means that you're both a dreamer and an idealist. You love the small details of life and the big picture, all at once. You're a big thinker and a big dreamer.
You have a powerful imagination and a gift for seeing things from other people's perspectives. You have a lot of compassion for other people, and a gift for putting yourself in another person's shoes. You have a knack for putting yourself in the other person's shoes.
You have a relentless desire to help people. You have a gift for making people feel understood, not just understood as an object, but understood as a being with hopes, dreams, and fears just like you.
You love being around others, and everyone loves being around you. You're a true people-person. You're the sort of person who would have made a great teacher.
Your strengths are in helping others, in being there when people need help, in being sympathetic, in being an intuitive counselor. You have a knack for understanding how people are feeling, when they are feeling something, what sorts of feelings they are feeling, when they are in pain or when they are in emotional turmoil.
Snow Scene is a song by the Japanese visual kei band Antic Cafe. It released as a single in October of 2006 in Japan, and was later featured in their third album, Magnya Carta, in November of the same year. It was written by bassist Shinya Sano (Kanon) and vocalist Akiharu Tsukiyama (Miku), and is the 8th track out of 11 from said album. It was their 11th single, and peaked at No. 26 on the Japanese single charts shortly after release.