Personality List

    My Chemical Romance - Heaven Help Us Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of My Chemical Romance - Heaven Help Us? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for My Chemical Romance - Heaven Help Us from 2000s Music and what is the personality traits.

    My Chemical Romance - Heaven Help Us

    INFJ (1w2)

    My Chemical Romance - Heaven Help Us personality type is INFJ, but a lot of people who are INFJs also have a lot of Fe. So, I'm not saying that the Fe is a bad thing. It's a good thing. It just doesn't fit the INFJ personality type as well as it used to fit the INFP one.

    But I do understand that INFJs have a hard time with the Fe because of the Fe's excessiveness. INFJs need to avoid excessiveness as much as possible. When they have a lot of Fe, they have a hard time doing so, and they can get overwhelmed easily. So, they have to find a way to balance out the Fe a little bit, and they have to find a balance between letting the Fe take over and letting the Fe take over.

    That's something the INFJ has to work on. So, I think that's why INFJs can be very misunderstood. They need to work on their Fe, and they need to work on their Fe in an appropriate way. The best way for them to work on their Fe is to avoid excessiveness. The best way for them to work on their Fe is to be alone.

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