What is the personality type of Whitney Houston - How Will I Know? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Whitney Houston - How Will I Know from 1980s Music and what is the personality traits.
Whitney Houston - How Will I Know personality type is ENFP, the Seer.
"I'm a Seer!" If you've read my previous post on ENFP personalities, then you know that the Seer is an idealist who loves the future, loves to imagine possibilities, and loves sharing that imagination with others. They enjoy all forms of art, and they live in the moment because they love to have fun and create something new. ENFPs are future-oriented, and they love to tell others about their dreams and visions.
The Seer is a very creative person who loves helping others see possibilities as well. They seek out new ideas and new solutions, and they believe that everyone can be inspired by access to new ideas! The Seer is a man or woman of action, who likes to share their ideas with everyone, and they are constantly looking for ways to make things better. They are all about positive change, and they believe in being a force for good and in being transformative, so they live in a constant state of being different.
The Seer is one of the most misunderstood types out there, because their enthusiasm seems to come from a place of naiveté.