Personality List

    Snow White Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Snow White? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Snow White from Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs 1937 and what is the personality traits.

    Snow White

    ESFJ (2w1)

    Snow White personality type is ESFJ, and is described as follows:

    ESFJs are warm and patient, and they spend a lot of time in the service of others. They are good listeners and they're often concerned about the feelings of others. They're usually very good at motivating and inspiring people to work together."

    It's easy to see how they could be a great match for Snow White, who, like her fictional counterpart, inspires and motivates others.

    "I really like my type and I think it's very interesting," the actress told Entertainment Weekly. "I love the fact that I'm an organizer and really strong when it comes to organizing. I like the fact that I'm a good listener and I feel like I'm always there when somebody needs my support."

    It's important to note that some people have a hard time identifying their type, or may have a different opinion of the theory than some of the more hardcore advocate types.

    While not everyone agrees with Myers' theory, she has a site on her website dedicated to helping people find their Myers-Briggs type based on their own personality.

    Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is a personality test used by professionals and lay people alike.

    Main protagonist in the 1937 Disney film, "Snow White and the Seven Dwarves". She is on the run from her jealous and bitter evil stepmother, the Evil Queen; who is envious of Snow White's beauty. As a result, Snow White takes refuge in a small cottage in the woods that is the home to 7 dwarves who discover her sleeping in the bed. The Evil Queen plots to kill Snow White. She makes 3 attempts, the first two fail to kill her, as Snow White only fainted. However, the last one succeeds as she is fed the poison apple. Instead of fainting the third time, Snow White died. Snow White's character can be described as being very nurturing, dutiful, fun, patient, obedient, responsible and demonstrates strong leadership skills. She essentially assumes the job as the Dwarves' unofficial mother, often taking care of them despite her young age. Despite her leadership, her power is undermined by the fact that she is easily manipulated, gullible and shows failure in learning from mistakes.

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