Personality List

    Anne Wojcicki Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Anne Wojcicki? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Anne Wojcicki from Technology and what is the personality traits.

    Anne Wojcicki

    INFJ (3w4)

    Anne Wojcicki personality type is INFJ, which indicates that she’s an idealist, creative, and deeply empathetic person.

    4. Sophia Amoruso

    Sophia Amoruso is the founder of Nasty Gal, an online shopping site that sells vintage clothing. She’s also the perfect example of an INFJ personality type.

    The INFJ personality type is defined by introversion, intuition, and highly developed thinking skills. Sophia Amoruso is an introvert. She’s also driven by her intuition. INFJs are driven to help people and make the world better.

    Sophia Amoruso is also driven by her ability to create something out of nothing. She’s a creator who’s constantly creating new things. This is another INFJ trait that shows that she has high-functioning INTJ traits.

    5. Steve Jobs

    Steve Jobs was an INFJ personality type. His INTJ brain made him one of the greatest inventors ever. He was able to combine his INTJ traits with his INFJ upbringing. He was a rebel who fought against authority. He was also a rebel against society. He was a rebel against the system.

    Anne E. Wojcicki (/wuːˈtʃɪtski/ woo-CHITS-kee; born July 28, 1973) is an American entrepreneur who co-founded and serves as CEO of the personal genomics company 23andMe. Wojcicki was born in Palo Alto, California, and has two older sisters, Susan Wojcicki, CEO of YouTube, and Janet Wojcicki, a PhD anthropologist and epidemiologist. Her parents are Esther Wojcicki (née Hochman), an educator of Jewish descent, and Stanley Wojcicki, a Polish-born physics professor emeritus at Stanford University. The three sisters consequentially grew up on the university’s campus. Anne also learned to figure skate at a young age, which she paid for herself. Wojcicki married Google co-founder Sergey Brin in May 2007. Brin and Wojcicki, although divorced, still jointly run The Brin Wojcicki Foundation.

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