Personality List

    Gloria Pritchett Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Gloria Pritchett? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Gloria Pritchett from Modern Family 2009 and what is the personality traits.

    Gloria Pritchett

    ESFJ (2w3)

    Gloria Pritchett personality type is ESFJ, and has the following characteristics:

    The ESFJ personality type is described as someone who is:

    A sense of responsibility is a central part of the ESFJ personality type. ESFJs take on all kinds of responsibilities, and they do so with a sense of responsibility that is both practical and sincere. They are very willing to assume responsibility for other people, especially those whom they care about. In the workplace, ESFJs are often leaders, as they possess a strong ability to inspire others. They possess a great amount of personal integrity, and they apply the same standards to themselves as they do to others.

    The ESFJ personality type has a serious, organized side to it. ESFJs tend to be very good at planning and organizing their lives. They are able to set goals and make plans for accomplishing those goals. Because they want to make sure that everyone is on track with their responsibilities, ESFJs often have a very structured approach to their daily lives.

    The ESFJ personality type is described as someone who is:

    ESFJs have a high level of integrity. They have a strong sense of ethics and moral values, and they apply those values consistently.

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