Personality List

    Bob Ross Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Bob Ross? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Bob Ross from Artists and what is the personality traits.

    Bob Ross

    ISFJ (9w1)

    Bob Ross personality type is ISFJ, in my eyes at least. I do have some in-depth understanding of the ISTJ personality type (which is similar to ISFJ) and I know that the two are really close. The ISTJ personality type is described by Wikipedia as having "a tendency toward organized, organized, and logical." ISTJs get their identity from Fi (a function that is often described as "internal guidance"). This makes them very concerned with following rules and doing things in a structured manner (hence the name "structure-ish"). They tend to hold onto past experiences of this type of behavior and feel that they are "right" in sticking to old patterns. If they are not careful, they can easily become stuck in the same way. This personality type is often described as "boring" because it can be very slow to change.

    ISFJ personality types are often described as "caring" and often self-sacrificing. They are often very close with family members and are very dedicated to their work.

    ISTP personality types are described as "outdoorsy" and "very creative.

    Robert Norman Ross (October 29, 1942 – July 4, 1995) was an American painter, art instructor, and television host. He was the creator and host of The Joy of Painting, an instructional television program that aired from 1983 to 1994 on PBS in the United States, and also aired in Canada, Latin America, and Europe. Ross went from being a public-television personality in the 1980s and 1990s to being an Internet celebrity in the 21st century, becoming popular with fans on YouTube and many other websites after his death.

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