Personality List

    Jakub Patecki Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Jakub Patecki? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Jakub Patecki from Artists and what is the personality traits.

    Jakub Patecki

    ENFP (7w6)

    Jakub Patecki personality type is ENFP, which is a type of extrovert (extraversion).

    The ENFP is described as:

    The ENFP is the perceptive, popular, and people-oriented extrovert who is open to new ideas. They are often gifted writers and speakers, with a unique vision of the world and a willingness and ability to share that view with others. They tend to be warm and supportive and enjoy the company of others.

    Jakub’s personality type is clearly an extrovert, and his wit and charisma are very apparent during the interview. As evidenced through his goal of pursuing a career as a comedian, as well as becoming a doctor as a child, he has a very strong desire to help others.

    So, what’s the downside?

    The one thing that sticks out about the ENFP personality type is how this person might not be as well-suited to jobs that require a lot of quiet and solitude. They do enjoy “chit-chatting” and maintaining relationships with others, and this is where their extroverted nature really shines.

    Dla Pateckiego niestety nie znalazło się miejsce wśród komików więc zostaje on od dzisiaj artystą

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