What is the personality type of Keyleth of the Air Ashari? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Keyleth of the Air Ashari from Critical Role and what is the personality traits.
Keyleth of the Air Ashari personality type is INFP, with her most common function being Introverted Intuition.
Role in the Story
When the party first enters the temple, Grog is attacked by a beholder in the room with the statue of Pelor. He manages to kill it, but it drops the statue, which falls on Grog's head. He's struck by lightning and is knocked unconscious.
After they save the hostages, Grog accuses the party of being heretics and wishes to fight them, but after they explain their intentions, he decides to help them. He gives Thordak a chance to explain why he's doing this, and once he does, agrees to come with them.
After they reach the Soulmonger, Grog tells the group that he doesn't believe in Pelor, and has a problem with him allowing the people of the temple to be held hostage by a destructive god like Thordak.
Later on, Grog is seen going through a large number of treasure chests in order to get a pair of boots for himself. He does this while the rest of the group is fighting a beholder which appears from a passage.