Personality List

    James Wilson Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of James Wilson? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for James Wilson from House Md 2004 and what is the personality traits.

    James Wilson

    INFJ (2w1)

    James Wilson personality type is INFJ, and the first letter of the INFJ type code is N. The letter N can be read as no or never. INFJ’s are Introverted Intuitive Feeling Judging.

    INFJ’s are highly sensitive to their environment, and are often so sensitive they are overwhelmed by it. INFJ’s often have a hard time keeping their emotions under control. They are usually quite shy, and have a tendency to be very reclusive.

    INFJ’s are very private, and have a lot of trouble with sharing themselves with others. They are usually very smart, but have lots of trouble expressing themselves easily. INFJ’s are very comfortable with the abstract, and are often drawn to philosophy, theology, or science. INFJ’s are also drawn to art, music, dance, or writing. INFJ’s are very good at understanding how other people feel, and can often intuitively tell what people are saying or thinking.

    INFJ’s are usually very good at making friends, but have a difficult time with romantic relationships. INFJ’s are also very introspective, and often have difficulty with initiating relationships with others.

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