Personality List

    『Wonder of U』/ Satoru Akefu Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of 『Wonder of U』/ Satoru Akefu? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for 『Wonder of U』/ Satoru Akefu from Jojo St&s and what is the personality traits.

    『Wonder of U』/ Satoru Akefu

    INTJ (8w9)

    『Wonder of U』/ Satoru Akefu personality type is INTJ, the digital type.

    Akefu’s ability score are most likely INTJ.

    Akefu’s ability score are most likely INTJ. Satoru Akefu personality type is INTJ, the digital type.

    Satoru Akefu personality type is INTJ, the digital type. Satoru Akefu’s TM is Wonder-Ticket.

    Satoru Akefu’s TM is Wonder-Ticket. Satoru Akefu’s time of birth is 5/24/1990.

    Satoru Akefu’s time of birth is 5/24/1990. Satoru Akefu’s birth sign is Taurus.

    Satoru Akefu’s birth sign is Taurus. Satoru Akefu’s blood type is O-.

    Satoru Akefu’s blood type is O-. Satoru Akefu’s height is 175cm.

    Satoru Akefu’s height is 175cm. Satoru Akefu’s weight is 57kg.

    Wonder of U (ワンダー・オブ・U (ユー), Wandā Obu Yū) is the Stand of Tooru, featured in JoJolion.

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