Personality List

    Walter White “Heisenberg” Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Walter White “Heisenberg”? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Walter White “Heisenberg” from Breaking Bad 2008 and what is the personality traits.

    Walter White “Heisenberg”

    INTJ (5w6)

    Walter White “Heisenberg” personality type is INTJ, the most introverted personality type. He is the perfect example of an INTJ in Breaking Bad. He’s incredibly intelligent, calculating, and very insightful. He’s a slob, his method of cooking is terrible, he’s a bad cook, he’s a terrible housekeeper, etc. He is constantly surveying his surroundings, observing the people around him, and has a good sense of what’s going on. He’s observant, but not intrusive. He uses his intelligence to have good judgement, to calculate his choices, and to have insight into others.

    The INTJ personality type is characterized by being introverted, intuitive, analytical, and imaginative. They are detail-oriented, curious, and have a broad range of interests. They are intensely private and reserved individuals who have a natural sense of self-control and discretion.

    In the show Breaking Bad, INTJs are constantly observing their surroundings and taking in as much as they can to create a master plan. In the third episode of the series, Walt is in a meeting with Jesse Pinkman where he gets a little too much information from Jesse about the crystal meth trade.

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