What is the personality type of Iron Man/Tony Stark? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Iron Man/Tony Stark from The Incredible Hulk 1996 and what is the personality traits.
Iron Man/Tony Stark personality type is ENTP, with the following secondary types:
Auntie Mabel (N) (ENFP) – Aunt Mabel is a very friendly type and while she can be bossy at times, she is also very much an advocate of helping others. Her strong Fe makes her quite adaptable to different situations and she has always been able to talk to children and young adults about things that interest them. She is very much in the “funny” mode, but she does have a strong sense of responsibility.
Dr. Bruce Banner (N) (ENFP) – Dr. Banner is generally very relaxed and easy-going. He can sometimes be a little slow on the uptake, but he is actually quite perceptive about people and truly cares for them, in spite of his angry exterior. As an ENFP he is prone to have a few mood swings and he can be a little forgetful at times, but he is actually quite good at keeping people’s secrets.
T’Challa (N) (ENTP) – T’Challa is a very confident and sometimes arrogant person who definitely has a sense of duty and honor and will do anything to protect the people he loves.