Personality List

    Rayden (1995) Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Rayden (1995)? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Rayden (1995) from Mortal Kombat Films and what is the personality traits.

    Rayden (1995)

    ENFJ (8w7)

    Rayden (1995) personality type is ENFJ, with a functional-developmental correlation of r = .53 and an SES correlation of r = -.31.

    The PD-NEO group also has a very high correlation with the INFJ (r = .74). The NPD group shows an even stronger correlation with the INTJ (r = .92).

    The correlations in PD-NEO are the same as in the NEO-PI-R (r = .70). In the PD-NEO case, however, the correlation is with the extraverted personality type rather than the introverted type. The correlation with the INTJ is also higher (r = .85) than that of the NPD group (r = .68), which is more characteristic for the NPD group.

    If we look at the correlation between NEO-PI-R PD-NEO and personality type in a different way, using a taxometric analysis (see below), we see that there is a relatively high correlation between the NEO-PI-R PD-NEO and INFJ (r = .76).

    Figure 12.7

    Correlation between NEO-PI-R PD-NEO and personality type in a taxometric analysis.

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