Personality List

    Christian Green Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Christian Green? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Christian Green from Master Chef Us and what is the personality traits.

    Christian Green

    ISTJ (5w4)

    Christian Green personality type is ISTJ, which is the Introverted Sensing-Intuitive Judger.

    His dominant function is Introverted Sensing (IS).

    The secondary function is Extroverted Intuition (EI).

    The tertiary function is Extroverted Feeling (EF).

    His enneagram type is I.

    The type of his social relationship is IV.

    In his personality, Green has two wings: ISTJ and I, which are the wing of Introverted Sensing (IS) and the wing of Introverted Thinking (T). Therefore, Green has two personalities. One is ISTJ, and the other one is I. The ISTJ personality has a dominant function of Introverted Sensing (IS) and a secondary function of Introverted Thinking (T) and a tertiary function of Extraverted Intuition (EI). The I personality has a dominant function of Introverted Thinking (T) and a secondary function of Extraverted Sensing (S) and a tertiary function of Introverted Intuition (I). The ISTJ personality has a wing of Introverted Sensing (IS). The I personality has a wing of Introverted Thinking (T).

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