Personality List

    Reserved Do-gooder (EU) Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Reserved Do-gooder (EU)? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Reserved Do-gooder (EU) from Tomodachi Life and what is the personality traits.

    Reserved Do-gooder (EU)

    INFJ (9w8)

    Reserved Do-gooder (EU) personality type is INFJ, which is the rarest personality type in the world. INFJs are very rare because they are one of the most selective personality types, and they are even more selective when it comes to relationships. INFJs are drawn to other INFJs who understand their need for real connection. They are drawn to people who get them and accept them for who they are.

    Since INFJs are drawn to other INFJs, they can end up being alone for a lifetime. INFJs will often experience a crisis of identity during their 20s, 30s, and early 40s as they finally learn to live as true INFJs. The INFJ will learn that they need to live as a true INFJ, and that INFJ life is not for everyone.

    During an INFJ crisis of identity, they may experience a period of intense loneliness. They may even feel guilty about the fact that they keep attracting other INFJs into their life. The INFJ will feel guilty because they know that this is not the life they were designed to live.

    In INFJ crisis of identity, they will consider becoming an introvert or extrovert. They may even consider being an ambivert.

    Looks: Reserved

    Character: Calm, cautious, and logical. Seemingly indifferent.

    Patiently puts others first and avoids fights. Sometimes this makes them explode from holding too much in.

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