Personality List

    The Eleventh Doctor Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of The Eleventh Doctor? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for The Eleventh Doctor from Doctor Who 2005 and what is the personality traits.

    The Eleventh Doctor

    ENTP (7w6)

    The Eleventh Doctor personality type is ENTP, or Extraverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Perceiving. I wanted to try to include the nature of this personality type as well as some of the features of the Doctor that seemed to fit this.

    Extraverted: The Doctor is definitely an extrovert. He is outgoing and social. He loves meeting new people and sharing experiences with them. He doesn't like dealing with situations alone and needs to be with others to feel comfortable.

    Intuitive: The Doctor is also an intuitive. He has a sixth sense about things and will often use what he knows to solve problems that he overhears or overhears about. He is great at looking for patterns that others may not be able to see or notice.

    Thinking: The Doctor is also a thinker. He likes to use logic and reason to solve problems. He doesn't like things to be random and will often work out the details on his own.

    Perceiving: The Doctor is also a perceiver. He is very aware of his surroundings and will often notice things that others don't and immediately think of a solution for them.

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