Personality List

    The Daleks Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of The Daleks? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for The Daleks from Doctor Who 2005 and what is the personality traits.

    The Daleks

    ISTJ (8w7)

    The Daleks personality type is ISTJ, and the Doctor is ISTP. They’re both very decisive, and they’re both very self-contained and very clearheaded about their goals. They’re both pretty structured and logical and rely on objective truth and logic. The Doctor is a little more open to change and a little less inflexible than the Daleks, and the Doctor is more flexible and a little more intuitive.

    The Daleks are very strong and almost entirely self-sufficient, but they’re completely controlled by TARDIS circuits and computers. They’re not autonomous. They’re kind of like artificial intelligences, so they’re very logical and, as I say, they’re also very inflexible and rigid, so the Doctor is much more open to change and much more flexible and fluid than the Daleks. So they’re completely different.

    Do you think that the Doctor and the Daleks could ever come to terms with one another?

    The Daleks is the second serial in the British science fiction television series Doctor Who, which was first broadcast on BBC TV in seven weekly parts from 21 December 1963 to 1 February 1964. Written by Terry Nation and directed by Christopher Barry and Richard Martin, this story marks the first appearance of the show's most popular villains, the Daleks, and the recurring Skaro people, the Thals. In the serial, the First Doctor, his granddaughter Susan Foreman, and her teachers Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright land in an alien jungle and are captured by the Daleks, a race of mutated creatures who survive off the radiation that remains in the atmosphere after a nuclear war with their enemies. As the group attempt to escape the Daleks, they discover more about the planet and the ensuing war, and attempt to broker a peace. The Daleks was originally commissioned by script editor David Whitaker, having seen Nation's other writing work.

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