Personality List

    Silver the Hedgehog Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Silver the Hedgehog? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Silver the Hedgehog from Sonic The Hedgehog and what is the personality traits.

    Silver the Hedgehog

    INFP (9w1)

    Silver the Hedgehog personality type is INFP, while Silver's character in Crisis Core is ISFP. A character's personality type can be gleaned from their actions, but it's not always the case.

    Crisis Core is set in 2300, two decades before Final Fantasy VII, which is set in 1997. This means that Crisis Core's silver characters are at least 55 years old. Despite looking about 25, he has silver hair, so he is likely to be at least 30. A silver character in Final Fantasy VII who is 20 years old, Cloud, also has silver hair. There are also other instances where silver characters are older than they look, such as Kefka in Final Fantasy VI and Cid in Final Fantasy VII. So again, silver characters are likely to be around 30.

    Another way to tell is that Cloud is in his mid-20s in Advent Children, while Kefka in Final Fantasy VI is around 70.

    So, Silver's character type is ISFP, which means he would be an introvert, feelinger and perceiver.

    Crisis Core's Silver is INFP. As I stated above, this means he's an introvert, feelinger and perceiver.

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