Personality List

    Abigail “Abby” Griffin Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Abigail “Abby” Griffin? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Abigail “Abby” Griffin from The 100 2014 and what is the personality traits.

    Abigail “Abby” Griffin

    ESFJ (2w1)

    Abigail “Abby” Griffin personality type is ESFJ, a typical extraverted, feeling, judging type.

    Abigail is a typical ESFJ – she is a typical teenager – but she is a teenager with a very unusual name.

    Abby is a typical teenage girl, and she is named after her mother, Abigail (Abby) Griffin (ESFJ).

    Abby is extremely extroverted, and she is very sensitive to other people’s feelings.

    Abigail’s personality type is Extraverted, Sensing, Feeling, Judging (ESFJ).

    Abby and Abigail (Abby) Griffin both have the same personality type.

    The personality type of Abby Griffin and Abigail Griffin are the same, and they are both ESFJs.

    Abby and Abigail (Abby) Griffin are both ESFJs.

    Abby and Abigail (Abby) Griffin both have the same personality type.

    The personality type of Abby Griffin and Abigail Griffin are the same, and they are both ESFJs.

    Abby and Abigail (Abby) Griffin are both ESFJs.

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