Personality List

    Poppy Pomfrey Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Poppy Pomfrey? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Poppy Pomfrey from Harry Potter Wizarding World Films and what is the personality traits.

    Poppy Pomfrey

    ISFJ (1w9)

    Poppy Pomfrey personality type is ISFJ, which is one of the most common personality types. ISFJs are highly caring, kind, and often have a quiet, reserved demeanor. They are often warm, gentle, and have a love of helping others. ISFJs are the backbone of the hospital and can often be found right in the middle of a hectic ward.

    Fun Fact: ISFJs are a tertiary introverted function.

    Poppy Pomfrey – ISTJ

    ISTP – Poppy Pomfrey – ISTP – Poppy Pomfrey – ISTJ – Poppy Pomfrey – ISFJ – Poppy Pomfrey – ISFP – Poppy Pomfrey

    ISTPs are known as the fixers. They are often quiet and quiet by nature, preferring to focus on their art or hobbies. ISTPs love to build things and build things that work. They thrive on the challenge of problem solving. They are often found in fields such as engineering, science, and mathematics.

    Fun Fact: ISTJs make up the largest percentage of the population. They make up 17% of the population.

    Madam Poppy Pomfrey was the matron and nurse at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She employed Nurse Wainscott to assist her in the hospital wing sometime between 1996 and 1998.

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