Personality List

    Citron Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Citron? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Citron from Plants Vs Zombies Heroes and what is the personality traits.


    ESTP (7w8)

    Citron personality type is ESTP, which means that the person is, by nature, a straightforward person. This often leads to their being perceived as impulsive and willing to say or do the wrong thing at the wrong time, a title which is certainly true of Citron.

    At a young age Citron began to break the rules and to get into trouble with authority figures. The Citron who was once a happy-go-lucky child becomes a teenager who is rebellious and stubborn. The Citron teenager wants to be treated as an adult and takes this opportunity to rebel against adults who are not treating him with respect.

    As an adult, Citron has difficulty in finding a balance between following the rules and being true to themselves. As one adult described it, “I’ve been married to this person for 18 years, and I can tell you, this person is not a nice person. His problems are really big problems.”

    In relationships, Citrons are not very good at saying no to their partners, especially when they know that the relationship could be ending soon. They tend to try to keep their partner happy with the hope that he or she will stay with them.

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