Personality List

    Helena Rizzo Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Helena Rizzo? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Helena Rizzo from Culinary Arts and what is the personality traits.

    Helena Rizzo

    INFJ (6w7)

    Helena Rizzo personality type is INFJ, which stands for Introverted Intuitive Feeling Judging. This is a rare type that only takes up about 0.01% of the female population. It’s not just a personality type – it’s a character, and you may have perceived it during your teenage years.

    For INFJs, the world is a book. They’re observant, sensitive, and always curious. They seek truth, and they’re very passionate about what they believe. They don’t just want to know things; they want to experience them. The INFJ’s life is one of both extremes – they can be so in tune with their emotions that they’ll get overwhelmed, or they can be so logical that they’ll shut down and isolate themselves.

    INFJs are often highly creative and artistic. They love to create and draw, write poetry, or paint. They may even be an artist or musician. INFJs have the perfect blend of introspection and intuition; they love to study people and learn how to understand their inner workings. They are also highly intuitive and can spot patterns like a bloodhound.

    INFJ Careers

    Helena Rizzo é uma ex-modelo e chef de cozinha brasileira. Em 2014, foi eleita a melhor Chef mulher do mundo pela Revista Restaurant. Nascida no Rio Grande do Sul, ela começou a trabalhar como modelo, mas foi em 1997, no extinto restaurante Roanne de Claude Troisgros e Emmanuel Bassoleil, que ela melhor se destacou.

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