Personality List

    Birdo Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Birdo? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Birdo from Super Mario Brothers and what is the personality traits.


    ESFJ (2w1)

    Birdo personality type is ESFJ, which means that he is the "safer" of the two. He takes a lot of care for his loved ones and is very considerate in a non-macho sort of way. It helps that he has a very caring and nurturing side.

    The most important thing in life to him is the well being of his loved ones. If they are happy, he is happy. If they are sad, he is sad too. Their happiness is his happiness.

    He is a very easy going type of person. He is very social and loves to be in a crowd. He has very few problems with stress or anxiety that are not associated with his loved ones.

    Although he is very caring towards others, he can be pretty selfish too. He doesn't mind if he gets what he wants because he feels that he deserves it. He can be an obsessioner at times because he feels that other people owe him something.

    He has a very good sense of humor and loves to make other people laugh. However, he can be very insensitive at times, especially when it comes to his loved ones.

    Birdo, known in Japanese as Catherine, is a fictional character in the Mario franchise. Her first appearance was as an enemy in Yume Kōjō: Doki Doki Panic, which was localized for English-language audiences as Super Mario Bros. 2. Since then, Birdo has been a recurring character in various franchise spin-offs. Initially, she was depicted as an antagonist, but has since been depicted as an ally. Birdo has also made several cameos, particularly in the Mario Kart series and the Japan-only Wii video game Captain Rainbow. The English manual for Super Mario Bros. 2 refers to Birdo as male, "who thinks he is a girl" and would prefer to be called "Birdetta". Some take that as a representation of Birdo as transgender, making her the first transgender video game character. Later releases of Super Mario Bros. 2 removed all mentions of her favored nickname. Starting with Mario Tennis, Nintendo has treated Birdo as just female and depicted her as romantically involved with Yoshi.

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