Personality List

    Boram Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Boram? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Boram from Its Mine and what is the personality traits.


    ISFP (XwX)

    Boram personality type is ISFP, which is a logical, detail-oriented, artistic, and intuitive type. ISFPs are often described as generally kind and sensitive. Others have said they are quiet and reserved. ISFPs are excellent with people, and they are very good at expressing their feelings. They are excellent at seeing the big picture in a situation and seeing the interconnectivity of all the parts. ISFPs tend to be quite creative, but they can sometimes be a bit impractical.

    ISFPs can be shy or withdrawn at first. They are usually quite private and will only share parts of their life with those who they truly trust. They may not feel comfortable expressing their feelings in front of others, or they may not trust others to understand them. ISFPs can sometimes be a bit self-conscious about their facial expressions, and they are often uncomfortable with being the center of attention.

    ISFPs usually have a great love of nature, art, and literature. They also have a deep appreciation for all things beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. They have a deep need to feel good about themselves and their surroundings, so they can often be very conscious of what they wear, what they eat, and the way they look.

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