Personality List

    Rafael Diaz Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Rafael Diaz? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Rafael Diaz from Star Vs The Forces Of Evil 2015 and what is the personality traits.

    Rafael Diaz

    ESFP (2w3)

    Rafael Diaz personality type is ESFP, ENFP, or ESTP. You may be more interested in seeing other personality types.

    The first thing you should notice about Rafael is his smile. He has a smile that draws you in, even if it is only for a moment. It is an easy smile to make, and it is like he is not even trying to make it. It is the kind of smile that makes you want to smile back. It is genuine, and it is powerful.

    But what you should also notice about Rafael is how authentic he is. He has real emotions that you can see with your own eyes. It is not like he is trying to fake this feeling with you, but it is the way he talks and the way he responds to his environment that let you know he is not fake.

    He may not be doing this in an obvious manner, and if he is, you will probably not pick up on it at first. You will see his emotions in his facial expressions and body language, and you will see them when he responds to your questions and comments.

    Rafael Diaz is Marco's father, and Star's host father while she stays on Earth. He is the husband of Angie Diaz.

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