Personality List

    Toffee Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Toffee? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Toffee from Star Vs The Forces Of Evil 2015 and what is the personality traits.


    INTJ (5w6)

    Toffee personality type is INTJ, with a little ESFJ thrown in for good measure.

    And if you’re wondering, no, I don’t know where this “toffee personality” was confirmed. I didn’t read it anywhere online. I’m basing it on a few things:

    My own observations about myself

    My observations about what other people have told me about themselves

    My observations about the traits of other people that I’ve come across in my life. (I have a habit of picking up on these things.)

    And while I can’t be sure that this is the actual official list, or that there is even such a list, it’s an interesting idea. I haven’t seen any research on this yet. But if you want to read up on the topic, read this article.

    Toffee is a major antagonist of Star vs. the Forces of Evil. He is an immortal Septarian monster that Moon fought when she was young. In "Fortune Cookies", he infiltrates Ludo's army as a member and an "evil efficiency expert" with ulterior motives. He became the leader of the army after usurping the position from Ludo in "Marco Grows a Beard".

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