Personality List

    Charles Bingley Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Charles Bingley? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Charles Bingley from Pride & Prejudice 2005 and what is the personality traits.

    Charles Bingley

    ESFJ (9w1)

    Charles Bingley personality type is ESFJ, which means he is a warm, affirming, and supportive person. He is a little shy and reserved, but he is also very energetic and enthusiastic.

    In his ESFJ personality type, he has an auxiliary function of Extraverted Sensing. He is what is called a “Perceiving” type, meaning his primary method of gathering information about the world is through his five senses. He sees what is happening around him through his eyes, hears what is happening through his ears, tastes what is happening through his taste buds, smells what is happening through his nose, and touches what is happening through his fingers.

    When Bingley comes into the room he immediately feels the energy of the room and he picks up on the moods of those present. He can read body language and facial expressions to pick up on what they are feeling. He is always aware of the emotions of those around him, which allows him to read people’s emotions and pick up on what they are feeling or thinking.

    Bingley’s sensitivity to others’ emotions allows him to know what they are thinking or feeling about things that they may not be saying verbally.

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