Personality List

    Joker Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Joker? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Joker from Dc Animated Movie Universe and what is the personality traits.


    ENTP (7w8)

    Joker personality type is ENTP, and the most common of all the kinds of ENTPs. That’s not to say ENTPs are more common than the other kinds of ENTPs, or even that they’re more common than all ENTPs, but ENTPs do make up the majority of ENTPs.

    I still think that there’s a real possibility that it instead could be someone like INTP.

    This is an interesting possibility. There are certainly many INTPs who are more extroverted than ENTPs. Some of the less common types, like INFP and INTJ, tend to be more introverted than ENTP.

    Does this mean there’s a chance that the Joker who sent that letter is an INTP?

    It’s hard to say for sure, but there are some clues in the letter itself. It mentions Batman and Superman, which are things that an ENTP wouldn’t normally think about unless they were planning on doing some sort of crime or sabotage.

    It also mentions “you don’t understand,” which is a strange thing to say if the letter writer is an INTP.

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