Personality List

    Chie Shadow Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Chie Shadow? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Chie Shadow from Persona 4 and what is the personality traits.

    Chie Shadow

    ESFJ (XwX)

    Chie Shadow personality type is ESFJ, which means she's an Extraversion, Sensing, Feeling, Judging type. If you remember in our previous discussion about the J/P dichotomy, the J stands for Judgement, which is what Chie contributes to her group in terms of how she makes decisions. The P stands for Perception, which is Chie's natural ability to see the big picture and then come up with solutions for problems that she encounters. The F stands for Feeling, which is Chie's desire to be accepted and to protect those she cares about.

    Chie's Extraversion, Sensing, Feeling, Judging nature means that she is very comfortable in social situations. She tends to be the center of attention because she's good at making small talk and she's warm and outgoing. She can also be very expressive when she needs to be. She'll often speak her mind when she thinks something isn't right.

    Chie's weakness is her need to be loved and accepted. If you don't fit into her social expectations of a person, Chie may reject you as a friend or she may even try to force you into a change in your behavior so that you will fit in better.

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