Personality List

    Andy Samberg Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Andy Samberg? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Andy Samberg from Actors & Actresses Usa and what is the personality traits.

    Andy Samberg

    ENFP (7w6)

    Andy Samberg personality type is ENFP, which means that he is more of a dreamer, while West is more of a realist.

    ENFPs are the most likely type to have a bachelor’s or advanced degree, while ENTPs are most likely to have a high school diploma. ENTPs are also more likely to have some kind of occupation, while ENFPs are more likely to have no occupation. ENFPs are more likely to be considering a move to another country, while ENTPs are just as likely to be happy with their current location.

    Trying to figure out which type you are can be difficult, but there are some general personality traits that can help you out. The following are some of the characteristics of each personality type.


    INTJs are very intelligent individuals who enjoy reading and learning about other people. They are very clear about what they want, and they will work hard to achieve their goals. They also tend to be introverts, but they are often seen as extroverts because they are perceived as being more social than other introverts. They are very analytical, and they enjoy deciphering people’s intentions.


    Andrew David Samberg (born August 18, 1978), is an American actor, comedian, filmmaker and musician. He is a member of the comedy music group The Lonely Island and was a cast member on Saturday Night Live (2005–2012), where he and his fellow group members Akiva Schaffer and Jorma Taccone have been credited with popularizing the SNL Digital Shorts. He occasionally goes by the stage name Young Sandwich.

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