Personality List

    Ymir Fritz "The Founder" Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Ymir Fritz "The Founder"? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Ymir Fritz "The Founder" from Shingeki No Kyojin and what is the personality traits.

    Ymir Fritz "The Founder"

    ISFJ (9w1)

    Ymir Fritz "The Founder" personality type is ISFJ, or "The Guardian". ISFJs will usually reach out to others in an effort to help, and they're often not very talkative. They tend to be quiet and introverted. They are also known as the "helper" personality type. ISFJs are loyal, dependable, and often self-sacrificing. They value relationships and usually seek to help others in need. ISFJs can sometimes be the most loyal and dedicated of friends, and they're often called "teachers" for their devotion to their job.

    ISFJ personality types are found in all areas of life, from law enforcement to medicine to education to the arts. The ISFJ personality is most commonly found among elementary school teachers, nurses, and social workers. Business people who are ISFJs include J.C. Penney CEO Marvin Ellison, Dr. Live Jackson (a pediatrician who has since retired), and the late John Gray (a best-selling author).

    ISFJ personality types are found in all areas of life, from law enforcement to medicine to education to the arts. The ISFJ personality is most commonly found among elementary school teachers, nurses, and social workers.

    Ymir was the first person to obtain the power of the Titans. She was a slave of the Eldian king, who abused her power to bring prosperity to Eldia while devastating Marley and the rest of the world. Thirteen years after awakening her power, she died protecting the king; her corpse was then forcibly cannibalized by their daughters, Maria, Rose, and Sheena. Her powers then split into what eventually came to be known as the Nine Titans.

    Upon her death, Ymir was transported to the Coordinate, where she molded Titans out of the sands and obeyed the royal family whenever they sought the Founder's power.

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