Personality List

    Mukai Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Mukai? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Mukai from Mob Psycho 100 and what is the personality traits.


    ENFP (7w6)

    Mukai personality type is ENFP, which is why it is so easy for her to show her emotions and be herself. This is something that is very important, because she can't stand feeling like she's holding herself back or not letting people get to know her. This makes her a very warm and caring person, and she's always ready and excited to help others and to make them feel better.

    She is very easygoing and will always go along with what her friends want to do. She doesn't mind staying out later than usual or taking a break from studying to hang out with someone or something. She doesn't really have a problem with people telling her when she's being a nuisance, and when she does, she will apologize and never do it again.

    In the manga, Mukai is a very serious person when it comes to school work and studies, but when it comes to her friends and family, she shows a very different side of herself. She will ask questions about what her friends are going through in life, and will usually try to cheer them up when they're down. She cares a lot about the people she loves, and she will do anything for them.

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