Personality List

    Aleksander Doba Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Aleksander Doba? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Aleksander Doba from Other Talented Individuals and what is the personality traits.

    Aleksander Doba

    ENFP (7w6)

    Aleksander Doba personality type is ENFP, meaning he's likely to be highly creative and highly innovative.

    Like most ENFPs, he's an idealist and a dreamer. He's an enthusiastic do-gooder, and he could probably give you a couple dozen good reasons why we should all run around and save the world.

    Like many ENFPs, he's also a little self-indulgent and lacks a strong sense of direction. He's idealistic and well-intentioned, but he can be so enthusiastic about things that he misses important details. Sometimes he gets excited about the right thing at the wrong time.

    Like most ENFPs, Alexander Doba is a little lacking in focus and discipline. He's also a little undisciplined when it comes to his personal habits.

    4. He's also completely uninterested in the connections between all the world's problems. He just wants to fix one thing at a time.

    ENFPs are great at spotting small opportunities for change. They're careful not to get distracted by the big picture, because they tend to move so quickly that they can easily get carried away by the enthusiasm of the moment.

    Aleksander Doba (born September 9, 1946 in Swarzędz) - Polish traveler, canoeist. Thanks to an online voting on the National Geographic website, he won the title of "Traveler of the Year 2015". He was the first man in history to cross the Atlantic Ocean in a canoe from continent to continent (from Africa to South America) solely thanks to the strength of his muscles. He sailed around the Baltic Sea and Lake Baikal in a canoe. He was also the first to circumnavigate the entire Polish coast from Police to Elbląg and diagonally across Poland from Przemyśl to Świnoujście. Two-time gold, silver and bronze medalist of the Polish Open Academic Championships in whitewater kayaking. On March 19, 2015 he became an honorary citizen of Swarzędz.

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