What is the personality type of Tangyuan? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Tangyuan from Food Fantasy and what is the personality traits.
Tangyuan personality type is ENFJ, which means they make up 5% of the population. If you are lucky enough to be in that 5%, then you are most likely an ENFJ. They are the most rare type of MBTI personality, with just 16% of the population being ENFJs.
ENFJs are generally the most extroverted of all Myers-Briggs personalities, but they are also often confused with ENTJs. The main difference between them is that ENTJs are concerned with understanding the world through logical thinking, while ENFJs are concerned with understanding people through understanding their emotions. But, you can be an ENFJ and still be an ENTJ. ENFJs are the most likely to become entrepreneurs.
ENFJs are generally very big-hearted people, but they can also be extremely shy, especially in social situations. They are always aware of the emotions of others, which is why they are good at reading emotions, but they can also be oblivious to these emotion when they are in a social situation. Their primary concern in life is the well-being of others, and they want everyone in the world to be happy and healthy.
A young girl filled with passion and excitement. She is the symbol of fortune and good luck. Every year, during a special day, the people wait for her arrival as if fortune was coming their way.