Personality List

    Benjamín Martínez Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Benjamín Martínez? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Benjamín Martínez from Money Heist La Casa De Papel 2017 and what is the personality traits.

    Benjamín Martínez

    ISFJ (9w1)

    Benjamín Martínez personality type is ISFJ, the Idealist (Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, Judging). He is a natural born leader who is comfortable in the limelight and is able to comfortably be in the forefront of any activity. He is a great listener, tactful and has a talent for making people feel comfortable.

    José Benjamín Martínez is the kind of individual who is always there for you but doesn’t necessarily want to be. He is a very social and well liked person who enjoys participating in teams, being around people and focusing on being a part of the greater good. He is an excellent listener, an excellent communicator and a very good listener. He also has excellent organizational skills and as an Entrepreneur he can easily see the big picture. He is also able to create teams of people that work together toward a common goal, efficiently and effectively. He can see the big picture.

    José Benjamín Martínez’s greatest strengths are his ability to communicate, his ability to listen and his ability to take action. His greatest weakness is his tendency to avoid conflict and to shy away from confrontation.

    Benjamín (Logroño) helps with the Bank of Spain Heist by working on the outside with Marseille, Boris and the Professor. He is also the father of Manila.

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