Personality List

    Druig Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Druig? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Druig from Mcu Everyone Else and what is the personality traits.


    INTJ (1w9)

    Druig personality type is INTJ, but the characteristics of their personality type are so unique and distinct from the typical INTJ that I felt it was necessary to create a separate section for them.

    Druids are often mistaken as simply being another sect of the Hadozee because of their similarity to the Hadozee in their use of magic.

    The Druids however are a separate tribe entirely and are in fact a member of the Hadozee, though they have some mutually exclusive characteristics.

    The Druids are a mystical order who stem from the Hadozee. They have a greater presence and mastery over nature and they have a more direct connection to the gods than the Hadozee do.

    The Druids are a more ancient order and their worship is more pure and direct than that of the Hadozee. The celebration of the seasons, feasts, and rituals that characterize Druidic worship do not exist in the Hadozee, though the Druids still have these traditions among their own people.

    Unlike many other races, the Hadozee are not a member of any of the four major races.

    Druig is an Eternal who possesses the ability to control minds and came to Earth around 5000 BC.

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