Personality List

    Angry Drunk Male Lead Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Angry Drunk Male Lead? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Angry Drunk Male Lead from Fictional Character Archetypes Stock Characters and what is the personality traits.

    Angry Drunk Male Lead

    ESTP (7w8)

    Angry Drunk Male Lead personality type is ESTP, which is an extrovert type. They have a very strong desire to make their presence known and in a positive manner. They are the one person in the party who is having the most fun, and they want everyone else to know it.

    In addition, they are very impulsive and tend to do whatever makes them feel good at the time. They will often say things impulsively, but don’t necessarily mean it 100% of the time.

    This makes them extremely hard to pin down. They are often hard to get a read on, and can make you feel uneasy because their words don’t quite make sense.

    When you finally do get a read though, you discover that they are totally on point. They deliver what they say, when they say it, and in the way that they say it.

    As an ESTP, you are the person who wants to be the center of attention; you thrive off of the attention and will go out of your way to get it. You don’t just want to be noticed, you want everyone else to notice you.

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