Personality List

    Comic relief Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Comic relief? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Comic relief from Fictional Character Archetypes Stock Characters and what is the personality traits.

    Comic relief

    ENFP (7w6)

    Comic relief personality type is ENFP, according to author and psychotherapist Susan Storm. ENFP’s are “genuinely funny people” and they will often be the first ones to crack a joke at a party or in a group. They see the world as a comedy of errors, where bad things happen to good people.

    ENFPs are warm and generous and are always putting others first. They can sometimes be clumsy or forgetful, but their good intentions always outweigh their mistakes. They are very intelligent, creative and are often interested in many things. ENFPs will often be the first ones to draw attention to a problem, looking for ways to solve it or make it better.

    ENFPs generally enjoy working with other people and will often become friends with their co-workers. ENFPs are very creative and often great artists, designers and creators. They love to use their imagination and they have great passions such as writing, music and art. They also like helping others in need, and ENFPs will often put others first.

    ENFPs are very social, friendly and approachable people, who will often make new friends at the drop of a hat.

    They make people laugh

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