Personality List

    Dark Magical Girl Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Dark Magical Girl? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Dark Magical Girl from Fictional Character Archetypes Stock Characters and what is the personality traits.

    Dark Magical Girl

    INTJ (5w4)

    Dark Magical Girl personality type is INTJ, the Mastermind, who uses this type of magic to create a special bond between them and their lovers in the real world.

    This type of personality would also use the Magic of Love to manipulate the emotions of others for their own purposes.

    Magical Girls are NOT required to be witches, or even be magicians;

    they can be anyone with a high charisma and magical powers.

    And INTP’s are the poster children of Magical Girls.

    INTPs and ENTPs are the only types that can actually use these types of powers in a positive, creative way.

    This can be anything from creating the perfect date, to using their skills to help others in need.

    It’s rare that you’ll find someone who can actually use this type of magic in a positive way.

    However, because of their Myers Briggs personalities, they can be a bit of a handful.

    They get easily bored, and they hate doing the same thing over and over again.

    They often have many different hobbies, and can get very excited about new ideas.

    The Dark Magical Girl is this fear personified, molded into a dark parody of the Magical Girl. Where the Magical Girl is a force for good and light, the Dark Magical Girl's virtues have all been twisted to serve evil. It is worth noting that a Dark Magical Girl is rarely evil themselves, being closer to a dark, violent brand of neutral.

    Normal Magical Girls have a good relationship with their family members, they make friends at school — they may be a little dim, but that's okay, and this all translates into the magical ability to defend what they love from external threats.


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