Personality List

    Malewife Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Malewife? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Malewife from Fictional Character Archetypes Stock Characters and what is the personality traits.


    ISFJ (9w1)

    Malewife personality type is ISFJ, or Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, Judging.

    ISFJs are, as the name suggests, Introverted and Sensing. They tend to be reserved, serious, and introspective. They are good listeners and are very warm and compassionate. They are very loyal and dependable people who will do anything to help others. They are also very self-sacrificing and take on a lot of responsibility. They don't like to be the center of attention and are quite shy. They are usually very intelligent and talented, but tend to be sensitive about their intelligence or value. They may get insecure about their ability to express themselves and may become depressed because of it.

    Introverted Sensing is the type of information that is processed by the brain. The brain process this information through the senses; this is also known as having a sensory system.

    Feeling is another part of sensing, as it is linked to emotions, which can be either positive or negative. Since balance is an important part of healthy living, feeling involves the ability to balance emotions and experiences.

    Judging is part of sensing. Judging refers to the way we make decisions based on the information that we have processed.

    A man who is "wife-like," acting as the submissive partner in his relationship. A malewife is a male character who serves as the primary domestic in his family as opposed to his (usually female) significant other. He is organized when it comes to homemaking, knows how to cook, clean, and is good with kids. This is usually because it is his partner who works to support the family, and due to an unwillingness to have both parents absent, he takes it upon himself to do the "wife's duties."

    Often manipulated by the "girlboss".

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