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    Proper Lady Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Proper Lady? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Proper Lady from Fictional Character Archetypes Stock Characters and what is the personality traits.

    Proper Lady

    ISFJ (1w2)

    Proper Lady personality type is ISFJ, and if it's an "old" ISFJ that's been hurt, then it's easy to see why she'd say things like these. And yes, I could see how an "old" ISFJ could say and do these things. But that does not mean she had to have been hurt. It does not mean she was "abused," as if abused would mean she had been hurt in such a way. This is what I find most odd about this interpretation.

    And the "poor thing" is a common phrase, especially in a country like Japan where the rich and powerful are seen as the only ones who matter. If a "poor thing" is a popular theme, then it must be used in many different ways, and I do not see her meaning as being anything "abusive."

    The fact of the matter is that she's saying that she is unable to see herself as an equal to the speaker in society. She's saying that the speaker and those around her are superior to her, and she's trying to find her place in that society.

    A Proper Lady is a gentle yet strong being, incorruptible and pure as the driven snow, as unlike The Vamp as she comes, and Madonna-like in her virtues. She sacrifices herself for the good of her family, religion, and country. She is intelligent enough to smoothly run a household, and wisely spends her husband's money for the good of her family, never guilty of negligence or selfish frivolity. She possesses the wit, taste, and esprit necessary to be a star of Society, and never crosses the border of good taste and civility. She is devoted and loyal, never treacherous or scheming. Her manners are never less than impeccable, and her good will and charity are a beacon to those lucky enough to live around her. 


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