Personality List

    The Ingenue Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of The Ingenue? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for The Ingenue from Fictional Character Archetypes Stock Characters and what is the personality traits.

    The Ingenue

    INFP (9w1)

    The Ingenue personality type is INFP, while the Outgoing personality type is ENFP.

    Both types are among the most artistic and imaginative of all the Myers-Briggs personality types, and they also share many of their strengths. They both enjoy being in groups, sharing ideas and working together toward a common goal, and they are both very good at relating to others.

    In contrast to their communication skills, however, the Ingenue personality type is still relatively private, preferring to keep their own thoughts and feelings to themselves. The Outgoing personality type, on the other hand, loves to talk about themselves, both in and out of the workplace; this can make them appear to be less inhibited than they are.

    The Ingenue personality type tends to have more natural artistic talent than the Outgoing personality type; this can make them seem more talented or gifted than they really are, sometimes upsetting their more outgoing colleagues and friends.

    In the workplace, this can take a few forms:

    The Ingenuenote (pronounced ON-jeh-noo) is a young virginal woman with the purity of a child.

    She is kind, sweet-natured, polite, and optimistic, and on the Sliding Scale of Idealism vs. Cynicism, she falls very much on the idealistic side. Her innocence will often inspire protective feelings in heroic characters, and she is frequently one of the more beautiful characters because of the convention that Beauty Equals Goodness. Unfortunately, her innocence also often makes her woefully naive, making her a prime target for a villain seeking to take advantage of her, often in an I Have You Now, My Pretty fashion. As a result, the ingenue is one of the most common Damsels in Distress. She is also immune to sexual innuendo. In a worst-case scenario, the character will be given no personality beyond her purity and innocence.


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