Personality List

    Blessing Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Blessing? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Blessing from Superpowers and what is the personality traits.


    INFJ (XwX)

    Blessing personality type is INFJ, the artist, the absolute idealist, the poet, the philosopher, the storyteller, the religious mystic, the moral philosopher, the social critic and the visionary.

    You see, INFJs are known for their deep spirituality, often seeing truth in a very personal way and having a very deep longing to understand the world around them. They are capable of seeing the world as an interconnected whole, viewing it as a giant puzzle that they can piece together better than anyone else. They believe they can see the future and they believe they can change it. They see their lives and their choices as a reflection of their own personal morality. INFJs are perfectionists, always striving to be the best version of themselves that they can be. They are also very empathetic and sensitive to others’ feelings, as well as being extremely intelligent and intuitive individuals.

    INFJs are often artistic and creative. They take on the role of being the storyteller, the artist, the philosopher and the moral philosopher who inspires others to grow, to see truth and to see the world in a new light.

    The user can bless anything including people, places, objects etc. and produce positive effects. This can include bringing good luck to people, or something as little as Emotion Augmentation as long as it is the happy emotions.

    What this power does is entirely up to the user as long as it isn't malevolent in nature, like giving people bad luck or causing deaths. The most traditional effects are granting long life, fertility, health, success and wealth or suppressing negative emotions and memories. Most blessings deal with negating/removing misfortune or other negative effects.

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