Personality List

    Self-Detonation Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Self-Detonation? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Self-Detonation from Superpowers and what is the personality traits.


    ESFP (4w3)

    Self-destruction personality type is ESFP, but I know this because I am an ESFP. You can only see the ESFPs when their love is threatened or they feel their love is threatened. When they love they are very loving, soft, caring, and fun loving. But when they love they can become very angry and rant like a mad man, destroy everything, and be mean and hateful. You can see ESFPs when they are alone, but when they are with other people they turn into a raging bull and you can see the ESFPs when their love is threatened or they feel their love is threatened.

    ESFPs are so afraid of the danger of the world that they cannot live in the world without being attacked by other people. So if you have a girlfriend ESFP, if you are a guy and your girl has an ESFP boyfriend, you will be able to see it when you have a disagreement. If you have an ENFP girlfriend, she will be able to see it when she is upset with you. ENFPs are such nice people but if you have an ENFP girlfriend and you disagree with her, you will see her become very rude to you.

    The user can cause themselves to explode with varying effects from simply blowing open a door to explosions with the magnitude of nuclear explosions and recover/reassemble. They may be able to control the strength of the explosion, blow up portions of their body, or severe parts of their bodies and let it explode at contact with the enemy.

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